Dear Members,

IFLA is active in the Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL), a group established by UNESCO to encourage debate and discussion, as well as to promote the importance of media and information literacy in broader education and development. Over the years, IFLA has made many important contributions, for example through work around measuring MIL, as well as its Recommendations on Media and Information Literacy (adopted by IFLA in 2011), and by UNESCO in 2013.

GAPMIL is also open to individuals and associations, and also has regional committees which allow for a stronger focus on local needs and priorities. Those who join should also be able to vote in upcoming elections for the International Steering Committee.

If you are interested in learning more, IFLA has updated its briefing on how to Get Into GAPMIL, which includes a set of suggestions on how to fill in the sign-up form.

Kind regards,

Gerald Leitner

Secretary General



Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
International Federation of Library Associations
and Institutions
PO Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague,  Netherlands
Tel: +31-70-3140884
Fax: +31-70-3834827